A downloadable game for Windows


  • WASD to move
  • Spacebar to do a dodge fires (not Bombs)
  • Esc for pause

Tower Offense is a game made in about 48 hours for the GMTK 2023 Game Jam. Its a reversed version of a typical tower defence game. In Tower Offense you are on the attacking side and try do get to the end of the canyon. The enemy has many towers that shoot at you, so you need to dodge the projectiles constantly.

The machines try overtaking the world and you, the last surviving book in existence need to stop them! These computers only understand zeros and ones so you have to take your letters to the supercomputer that controlls all of them and destroy it. But they know you are coming and they prepared a strong defence. Can you beat it and save the World?

Music by Rizwan Ashraf


TowerOffenseGame.zip 45 MB

Install instructions

After downloading the zip folder, extract its contents and run 'Tower offense.exe'. Enjoy the Game!

Note: If after running the .exe the 'Windows protected your PC' prompt shows up, press 'More info' then 'Run anyway'.

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